Well, it’s been a while since my last blog post and if I am going to keep this up and achieve my blogging resolution, it’s time for another entry!
A holiday shot in Williamsburg
Another holiday shot in Williamsburg
A Williamsburg shot
Yet another holiday shot in Williamsburg
Another of Domino
Domino & Lita's new food and water dishes
I can't wait to take more!

However, as good as our second camera is, it is also too big to just throw into Amanda’s purse. So we are now contemplating purchasing the Canon PowerShot SD780 IS digital camera to give us a third option for our photographic needs. It is sleek, small enough to throw into Amanda’s purse and is a Canon so it fits all our remaining criteria! Plus Mel has it and it works wonderfully. Is it a bit excessive? Probably. But when you take as many pictures as Amanda does, it will be nice to distribute the workload and hopefully keep each of our cameras longer than 3 years! And if not, at least I will have been able to take some photos of my own in the mean time…..I just don’t have my hopes up when it comes to using the biggest camera in the room when Amanda is around…

Good Job!